Place fresh watermelon pieces in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into a strainer over a bowl or glass. You will need to use a spoon to gently push the juice out of the mixture.
Pour this back into the blender with the sodium alginate and blend until smooth.
Place this back into the bowl and remove any froth on the surface with a spoon. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set it aside for at least 4 hours or overnight
In a separate bowl, whisk together the calcium lactate and cold water.
Using a dropper, place drops of the watermelon/sodium solution into the calcium solution. You will see them instantly form into spheres. Using a strainer, remove the boba from the calcium solution and place them into a bowl of water after 1 minute.
Continue this process to finish all watermelon popping boba.
Mango popping boba
Place mango pieces, water, and sodium alginate in a blender and blend until smooth.
Pour the mixture into a bowl and remove any bubbles from the surface with a spoon. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set it aside for at least for 4 hours or overnight.
In a different bowl, use a whisk to combine cold water and calcium lactate until the water becomes transparent again.
Use a dropper (either syringe or squeeze bottle) and place drops of the mango/sodium solution into the calcium water. They should instantly become spheres. One drop one time.
Use a strainer to remove the boba from the calcium water after 1 minute and place them in a separate bowl of water to rinse. Repeat this process to finish all mango popping boba
Coffee popping boba
Combine instant coffee powder and hot water in a measuring jug and mix together until blended.
Place this mixture into a blender along with the sodium alginate and blend until smooth.
Use a strainer to pour this into a bowl. Use the same spoon to remove as much foam as possible from the surface and then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set it aside.
In a different bowl, whisk together the calcium lactate and cold water.
Use a dropper to place drops of the coffee/sodium mixture into the calcium water after 1 minute. And rinse in fresh water in another bowl. Repeat this process to finish all of the coffee popping boba