Remove the blood waters: add all the bones and meat in a large pot, pour in enough water to cover, add green onion and 4 slices of ginger and then bring to a boiling. Transfer out and clean.
Soak all the spices with around 1/2 cup boiling hot water for 10 minutes and then wrap all of them with a glaze bag and seal with cotton lines.
Add all the bones and beef shank, scallion whites and spiced wrapped in the glaze bag. Pour around 2.5L to 3 L water (separately for high pressure cooker and cast iron soup pot). Bring to boil and simmer for around 1.5 to 2 hours. Add salt to taste.
Cook and assemble noodles
Take out the beef shank and cut thinly. Cook radish slices in broth for 2 minutes, set aside.
Cook noodles as directed and then scoop enough beef stock to cover. Top with daikon slices, beef shank slices, coriander, garlic leek (or green onion) and chili oil. Serve hot!